Call Us Today (262) 751-5971

Acumen Advisory Services, llc

Your trusted
ESOP advisor.


Advocating for ESOP participants & the
companies they own is our business.

At Acumen, we know the ESOP model can be beneficial to all parties. As former ESOP participants ourselves, we have personally benefited from the wealth creation opportunities a high-functioning ESOP business offers. We have experienced firsthand the selfless dedication ESOP leaders possess as they make decisions for the good of the many, not just the few. We appreciate the entrepreneurial spirit of business founders and have assisted them in selling to an ESOP, creating legacies that live on for decades. With years of experience and a passion for ESOPs, we are the advisor you can trust.

MIDWEST BASED, nationally known

While located in the Midwest, we work with clients and ESOP professionals across the country. Acumen Advisory Services often speaks at local, regional and national ESOP conferences.



Our clients represent nearly every sector of the U.S. economy.  We work with manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, contractors, engineering firms, social services, financial services, and many other consulting based businesses.


When you work with Acumen you will come to know and work directly with the decision-maker.  We leverage a strong support team, providing you multiple points of contact, ensuring you get your answers timely.



In addition to having two trustees, we have a mutual relationship with Mickey Maier of Professional Fiduciary Services (PFS). This unique relationship allows you the opportunity to benefit from multiple individual trustee’s expe­riences as they often confer on unique client situations and share best practices.

it’s personal to us

Our personal experiences are why we have chosen to advocate for the ESOP community. We have personally benefited from employee-ownership and we want to help you do the same.



We are passionate about ESOP businesses.  Having been ESOP participants, leaders, internal Board members, internal trustees, external board members and most recently as an external trustee, we are uniquely qualified to be your trusted ESOP advisor.